What is a misdemeanor offense?

This is an offense that is considered to be less severe than a felony but more severe than regulatory offenses. Usually, misdemeanors are classified into a number of categories depending on how severe the crime is. The category system has dedicated punishments. If you are charged with a misdemeanor offense, it will affect certain areas of your life even though you will not serve a long jail term.  There are a number of crimes that are categorized as being misdemeanors. They include the following:

Petty theft - This is the general term used to cover larceny, embezzling and stealing. Basically, this offense happens when one takes something belonging to another person without permission. In most cases, this misdemeanor offense involves stealing something whose value is less than 500 dollars. Anything more than this is usually considered to be grand theft, which is a felony.

Simple assault - This is an example of the common misdemeanor crimes that people commit. It is defined as assaulting someone without the intent of injuring him/her. An example is invading the personal space of a person or attempting to harm a person physically. However, if one assaults a social worker, police officer or elected officials, it is considered to be a felony.

Public intoxication - This involves an intoxicated individual causing disturbances in public or private areas. It is also referred to as drunken disorderly conduct. It is usually handled on a state level since the penalties vary from one state to the other. Some states consider public intoxication as a misdemeanor while others consider it to be a felony. On the other hand, some states do not have public intoxication laws.

Indecent exposure - This is considered to be a misdemeanor that is widely diverse because of its broad definition. The term indecent can stand for many different things and for this reason it is up to the jurisdiction concerned to enforce the misdemeanor. An example of a misdemeanor is exposing your nude body to a minor.

Trespassing - You commit this offense when you enter, walk through or live in a property that you do not have permission to be on such as private property. Usually, such properties have "No Trespassing" signs on them to warn people that it is illegal to cross through them.

Even though misdemeanors are categorized as light offenses, they have negative ramifications. For example, you can spend up to a year in jail for a misdemeanor offense. This will take away your ability to go to work, school or enjoy life in general. This conviction will affect you and your family and it can also hold consequences on your future because of a criminal record that will follow you around. For instance, when future employers or college admission boards perform a background check on you, they will view your criminal history and find out that you have been convicted of a particular crime. This can keep you from getting admitted to college or finding a job.

If you have been arrested for committing the misdemeanor offense such as petty theft, you can take online theft classes in order to fulfill a court mandate. These classes are more affordable than those taken in classrooms and they carry great rewards. The classes are offered in modules so you can choose the length of the course you would like take. The modules give you information that makes you aware of your actions and how you can control compulsions. This will allow you to stop the behavior from taking place in the future.