The Top 10 Items That Are Stolen In the U.S. Today

Everyday people walk into a store and take something out with them that they didn't pay for.  A recent study shows that at least one out of every eleven people who walk into a store will walk out stealing something. Reports show that shoplifting has gone up by six percent for the year 2012 and that businesses as a whole are expecting a total loss all across the nation to sit at $119 Billion.  Studies also show that only three percent of thieves are professionals, meaning the rest of the quick-handed population are amateurs stealing out of necessity or out of random desire.  More than 74% admitted they did not even plan on shoplifting and that they only did it because the opportunity was there.  So what are the top items that shoplifters go for? Here is a quick look at the top ten items they target on a daily basis.

Meat/Filet Mignon – who would expect that people would tuck in expensive cuts of first class meat under their jacket?  The most surprising thing is that this is now the number one shoplifted item in supermarkets.

Expensive liquor – you can only buy alcohol if you are twenty-one years of age but that doesn't mean it won't stop teenagers and alcoholics from stuffing a bottle in their pockets or under their jackets.  Jameson is the most frequently stolen drink in stores these days. 

Electric Tools and DIY Tools – electric drills, electric toothbrushes, and other minor powertools.  The most common recently are electric toothbrushes that do not require toothpaste to clean out germs.

Gadgets – stores with smart phones, video games, cameras and other electronic gadgets are common victims of thievery.  Electronic gadgets nabbed the fourth place of most sought after shoplifted items. Out of all of these type of items, the Apple iPhone 4 and 4s are the cream of the crop and are the most valued stolen items thus far. 

Razor Blades – non-disposable razor blades are pretty expensive and many don’t want to spend the extra cash for this necessity.  The Gilette Mach 4 is the most commonly sought after and stolen non-disposable razor blade.

Deodorants – along with razor blades and toothbrushes, deodorants are another common item that is often lifted. They are small and easy to slide into a pocket or hide into a long sleeve which contributes to the ease of the theft. Axe and Dial are common brands people steal.

Expensive Clothing – everybody wants to have expensive clothes that are branded and well known but not everybody is willing to pay for it. The most commonly stolen brands these days are Polo, Tommy Hilfiger, and Ralph Lauren. As a matter of fact clothing thievery has gone up by over 30%.

Let's Rock Elmo – Sesame Street’s newest toy, the Let's Rock Elmo, is currently the most wanted toy at Toys ‘R Us.  This toy ranks the highest for theft this season.

Women's Fragrances – a long line of expensive perfumes and other fragrances makes up for 4% of losses in stores from 2011 to 2012. Again this is mostly because these items are small and very easy to hide in clothing and in pockets. Women carry large shoulder bags at times and security guards are a bit more lenient when it comes to checking the contents of a woman's bag.

Shoes – Nike and Adidas athletic shoes are among the most often stolen shoes in stores today. A lot of people will walk into the store wearing their flip-flops, try on a pair of shoes, and then just walk out wearing them.

For those perpetrators who are caught in the act, or for those who would like to stop the habit, Online Theft Classes may be the answer for you.  They are convenient and are often court-accepted as rehabilitation for the crime.  Check them out today!

The Top 3 Actresses Caught For Shoplifting

Actors and actresses are just regular people with ups and downs.  Some are insecure, some depressed, some are even alcoholics or drug addicts.  Some even have serious psychological issues like kleptomania.  A person who has kleptomania steals objects for personal use or monetary benefit. The act of theft makes a kleptomaniac feel pleasure or relief. There are some famous actresses in recent history who are also known for their infamous acts of theft. According to Lindsay Lohan, Farrah Fawcett and Winona Ryder are some of the top celebrity offenders.

Actress and musician Linday Lohan who has been in and out of rehab since 2007 was caught on camera stealing a $2,500 necklace from a jewelry store. She claimed that the necklace was taken out on loan from a Venice, California jewelry .
   However, the store has no record of loaning her such jewelry and denied this statement. As punishment, she was sent to jail and stayed there for 120 days which was then replaced by house arrest. She was also asked to do community service.

Before she was cast in Charlie's Angels, Farrah Fawcett known to be a pin-up icon in the 1970's, was also caught shoplifting at two different boutiques. The actress explained she wasn't satisfied with the stores' return policies so she took the situation into her own hands and exchanged the damaged merchandise herself. She was later fined almost $400 dollars from both stores. This led to unwanted attention and embarrassment on her part.

The worst was probably Winona Ryder who was caught stealing thousands worth of merchandise and jewelry. Who would have thought that the Oscar-nominated actress would steal $5,500 worth of merchandise from a store? She explained that she only did it in preparation for a role in a movie. She insisted of having the intention of paying for it afterwards. Her reasons proved inexcusable in the court of law and she was convicted of grand theft felony and vandalism. She had to pay the store $6,355 and was then sentenced to three years of probation. She was also asked to undergo psychological and drug counseling. Years after the incident, she explains that she was in a time of confusion during the scandal because she was taking painkillers for a broken elbow. Just recently, she was again caught stealing $124,000 worth of Bulgari jewel from a magazine photo shoot which didn't lead to any charges.
  In her case, her desire to steal has not been resolved.

These celebrities did not only pay for charges and fines, but also had their reputations scarred. These actresses are well-off and they certainly did not steal due to lack of funds. In each case, the thieves psychological state was impaired and negatively affected her behavior. 
It might be fun for the average person to hear these kind of inflammatory stories, but the bottom line is serious.  These actresses and others like them would benefit from online theft prevention classes.   These courses are a fast and easy way to get help for those who have a hard time seeking counsel in their areas either because they high profile and do not want to be seen going in and out of a public class, or for convenience sake.  These classes teach skills to  help alter behavior and control impulses so that the person does not commit the same act of theft again. If you feel like you have a shoplifting addiction like these actresses then online theft classes are a good preventative measure for you!

Who Is The Most Likely Personality Profile To Steal?

Personality disorders can be difficult to handle and very dangerous. A person suffering from a personality disorder will tend to have strange or unusual behavior.  This behavior might be manifested by poor or inaccurate response, lack of insight, causing trouble for and disturbing people around them and so on.  Often people with such disorders are difficult to trust and maintain a relationship with. Family members or loved ones often have to identify the problem for the person because they are unaware of it.  Therapy and sometimes medication is mandatory for recovery.

People with the Antisocial Personality Disorder have the propensity to steal. Before dwelling on why they tend to steal, it is important to understand what people with this personality profile are all about. Antisocial Personality Disorder is commonly known as APD, people who have it have the compulsion to steal and tendencies that involve disregard for others, they are known to be very exploitative and want their way with anything whenever they feel like. An individual with APD can make a bad deal seem good; they are con-artists and can create a scam like no one else can.

The reason why these kinds of personalities steal is because they take every opportunity they see to get what they want. The motivation that drives them comes from the fact that they see themselves as superior and above everyone else. They do whatever it takes to  get what they want. Since this is a medical disorder, these individuals do not  have the ability to distinguish whether or not to steal, and have no regard for whether it’s  from their family and friends.  Other characteristics that you are likely going to see with those diagnosed with Antisocial personality disorder include inconsistency with their studies and jobs, reckless behavior, lack of truthfulness, an outward sweet charm.   They are basically inconsistent in their life direction and choices and do not have a conscience.

Unlike a normal person, a person with APD does not think ahead. There is a part of the brain that is responsible for identifying the consequences and negative sides of doing something that people with APD don't have. Antisocial profiles do not learn from punishments, and that's why they keep on stealing even after getting caught. Treating APD has become an intimidating task since the personalities themselves can't acknowledge nor do they know that they have a problem.

The beginning of the solution lies in getting these individuals treatment.  Because they are often in denial, getting them into a therapist can be extremely difficult.  Online Theft prevention classes are an excellent resource to start with.  Classes can be taken in the privacy of your own home with a support group of friends or family.

Learn How To Curb Your Desire To Steal With Online Classes

Online classes are indeed an important resource in providing various types of lessons. The best thing about online classes is they are available to anyone across the United States who is interested in taking them as long as they have computer access.  Classes are led by qualified licensed therapists who are interesting and engaging.

Online theft prevention classes have developed a definitive approach towards curbing the desire to steal. Researchers have done expert analysis on the best ways to curb the desire and these tactics are utilized in the classes.  The first step is to develop a positive attitude towards dealing with and overcoming the addiction. Stealing is a personal decision, a decision that you make from within yourself. A positive attitude, determination, a strong support network and the appropriate guidance all contribute to teaching oneself not to steal.

Understanding the consequences of stealing is equally important. If you are an offender that is lucky enough to not have been caught yet, then listening to the stories of others who have suffered the legal consequences of this action will help the addict develop a sense of what the end result could look like.  One story which might touch some addicts is about a mom who stole from her friend’s homes when their children were playing together.  She stole small pieces of jewelry from the dressers of her friend’s homes and then sold the jewelry for cash to support her drug habit.  Needless to say, she eventually was caught and spent 6 months in jail.  Not only did she loose the trust of her friend’s and family but the time watching her children grow up.  Hearing stories like this one, might induce a new respect for the outcome of shoplifting and stealing and in turn, curb the desire to steal. 

Classes can be taken on the computer at any time of the day or night.  The student can purchase a class based on the length of time he or she is interested in devoting to the situation.  For example, one can take a 10 hour theft prevention class.  In some states, these classes can be used to fulfill court requirements.  For example, one can sit at home  and take a Delaware theft prevention class online.  Just type in your state and the information will become available immediately.  The best time to take a class is of course prior to getting caught.  Rehabilitate before it’s too late!

Benefits Of Taking Theft Prevention Classes Online

Theft prevention classes are for individuals who feel compelled steal.  It has become a habit, it fulfills a sense of excitement in their lives, it’s fun or it’s just the way to get things that one can’t otherwise afford.   Online theft prevention classes are court approved for offenders who need to fulfill court requirements.  Students can take a 4 hour theft prevention class to get started and then continue their education for ongoing support.

Here are the benefits of taking theft prevention classes and some ways by which these classes help prevent stealing:

1. Often thieves steal because of peer pressure. Theft prevention classes help individuals to gain the confidence and learn how to overcome that peer pressure.

2. A short term consequence of theft could be a fine, community service etc. Long term consequences include prison time, felony charges on your permanent record and  a steep financial fine. Theft prevention classes make the offender aware of the consequences and educate him/her to take a decision as to why he/she should not steal.

3. Research shows that those who have a habit of shoplifting, will do it in the homes of relatives, friends and strangers. This category of individuals who are addicted to the thrill of stealing should enroll themselves in such classes in order to help stop addiction before the humiliation of getting caught.

4. Such classes also make thieves aware of the fact that their actions affect their families. The family of the offender who is put in prison may suffer a great deal of mental trauma. If there are children at home it only makes things worse.

5. It is observed that people don't steal things they really need. They might steal to fund their drug or alcohol addictions. Theft prevention classes also work to address other addictions causing the thievery.

6. Some thieves steal for the sake of having fun or because they are bored. A habitual thief is taught how to find alternatives to the thrill they get from theft.  'Self-realization' is one of the techniques such classes use to give habitual offenders an opportunity to think about things they would do rather than stealing. For example, working on getting a more fulfilling job, or picking up a new hobby that they would find interesting.

A thief usually starts with a small item and the habit goes on to get bigger.  Starting out with an online class before the problem gets out of hand, and the individual gets caught is extremely beneficial.  Theft prevention classes online can be taken at any time of the day or night.  The individual can stay in the comfort of his/her own home and not have to drive to a traditional classroom.  Just type in Connecticut online theft classes, or any of the 50 states and you will be connected to one right for you.  There is a licensed therapist assigned to your account who is available to speak with during the day.  This option is available and affordable to anyone who has a computer with an internet connection. When the course/class is completed a certificate of completion (printable) is given as a proof of training.